King Louis XIII reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain King Louis XIII.
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This shit put me in a coma, got home from school and as soon as my body hit that bed...Zzzzz
February 16, 2018
Little anxious
November 24, 2017
Pain relief instantly. A surge of some energy to do a little more than usual will be inspired by the feeling of wellness. Taste is good. Not overpowering but just enough. Small doses at a time work fine with the A+ potent strain. My first go to for pain relief whenever possible. However too much makes forgetfulness increase. Very enjoyable for a stay at home day.
A relaxing high at it’s finest. Nice and Spicy!
like many, this strain completely vanquished insomnia
i like this. very strong but maybe not ridiculously strong. it's a good feeling though. seems like a perfect kind of strain for me. it's sticky and dark and doesn't really look like something to get excited about but it smells and tastes pretty good and i enjoy the effect
December 21, 2017
The buds are amazing to just stare at, the amount of crystals is crazy, definitely a good strain if you’re trying to collect keif. Very strong earthy smell n taste, I’ve never been a fan of the earthy taste but that’s nothing against this strain. Nice high, great for that before bed smoke.
Asleep in less than an hour. Perfect for night time use!