Green Crack reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Green Crack.
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I am sailing along pretty happily after having smoked a small bowl of Green Crack. I am busy at my computer (of course writing this review at this time,) and feel very focused and relaxed and with sharper mental clarity with a feeling of getting my "second wind." Very uplifting and tingly. I love this Green Crack which I donated for at V&G Collective in Bakersfield, CA. The aromas drew me in somehow, but I'm at a loss as to what flavors/aromas are represented. Each strain has it's own scent and most of them have an appealing flavor profile. It is as if all of the wonderful scents and essences of the ages are in this beautiful flower. It calls to me just as the smell of PlayDoh did when I was 4. I found out it didn't taste as good as it smelled. With this Green Crack I think I detected an aroma that was kinda minty. I love the smooth inhale, rush to the head upon exhale, and the arousal that follows. Right now I could go do my dishes, sit here and peruse, or go to bed. I'm not stuck. I very much recommend this strain. As a patient who has generalized anxiety that escalates easily; as well as bipolar II, I need to be cautious about strains worsening my condition. No problem with paranoia or anxiety and I feel comfortable in my skin; content to do whatever. I am about as relaxed and content as I can be. Try the strain.
I like this. But more into indicas. I get really hungry every time I smoke this. Like really hungry. Like whole left side of the taco bell menu hungry. I also get very energetic but the come down is really long and groggy. Overall tho I'm high but not the intoxicating low high from pure indicas I enjoy. Not a favorite, but a fan. (*Only smoke during the day*)
Flame stuff frosty and looks great with the orange hairs.
The most intense head high I've experienced. I was at the stage where you feel like your holding on for your life and tbh I was kinda scared. About 25min after smoking the head high chilled out and I was able to walk home. I think this strain is more for an experienced smoker, I on the other hand am just a casual user and believe the effects were a little too strong. Good smoke though, highest I've ever been
I took this when I just got off of taking Vyvanse for adult ADHD. I was afraid that if I just stopped taking Vyvanse (what my doc. instructed) immediately that I could have withdrawal. (Now, I know about a lot of Jim Carey-faced skeletonesque, Vyvansed, twenty-somethings because I used to be one- and stopped being one by smoking green crack). I got the weed and when I smoked lots of it, it had the exact same effects as Vyvanse... I'm a science major and I'm big on objectionism and non-hippy shit(jk). But really, it felt just like Vyvanse and when I stopped smoking it, I crashed- like an amphetamine crash. It's a hell of a study aid. Had to then use some Skush to blow my mind away from caring about amphetamines or any stimulant.
My analysis:
Amphetamines = Bad for Primates
Green Crack=Good for Primates
Forever Verdant,
I think this is the first strain I ever tried that was very focusing instead of making me slightly scattered.
I paired it with a book I've had trouble finishing and I was able to concentrate for a couple of hours without getting distracted. I'd been worried that a sativa with such an energetic reputation would hit me too hard, but I didn't feel nervous at all.
I noticed the comedown mostly because I realized I was back to rereading the same paragraph several times without absorbing it, but I didn't feel that run down from the high.
Overall, this was a really nice experience and I think this is a strain that deserves its reputation.
This is hands down the best weed I have ever smoked. You feel the effects without just wanting to sit in front of the TV and eat. I recommend this to everyone. The taste was nice on it too, sweet flavor.
Everyone raves about GC ..... But for me it leaves a bit to be desired ....😐
It's an ok Sativa , but the first time I smoked some , it actually put me to sleep 😄😛😳..... Wasn't expecting that !
I noticed it gives me a slight bit of anxiety , and it can even put me in a not so happy / easily agitated mood sometimes .
Would probably give it another chance ~ but there are definitely other sativas that I much prefer