Grape Ape reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Grape Ape.
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Fruity and flavorful, just doesn't do it for me. Everything you'd expect from purple- looks purple, smells purple, tastes purple. Not a heavy hitter, a good mellow weed that won't cause a freak out. Would be a bomb concentrate, though.
I loved this strain! It has that very smooth tasting and it's a lot smoother for your throat and also for exhaling out as well. It has that grape, piney tasting. It is very strong, I probably wouldn't recommend this to newbies. However; it is worth a buy and the high is fantastic. It also cause your body to have that little tingling. I give it 10/10.
Grape Ape. What a heavy hitter. I'm typically a sativa guy, but always gingerly trying out select Indica strains for those "must have" nights. This particular nugget came from Artizen Cannabis, whom I can't rave enough about lately. This Ga was very smooth, very tasty, but brings on couch lock in a matter of minutes, with an almost euphoric feel. I loved the fact that it brought on absolutely no anxiety, and other than tucks you into bed, early if not careful. if definitely recommend this for anyone just looking to remove the weight of the world from their shoulders. Peace!
May 30, 2014
The most beautiful bud I've ever smoke, if grow correctly its amazing. long story but my two buddies and I had an oz. My buddie was going to Texas for a year so we had to smoke out on the best weed available. Fortunately for us it happened to be Grape Ape. I've honestly got to say it was beyond amazing. We smoked it all taking bong rips, my two buddies even threw up and no thats not a bad thing. Usually when i would smoke a lot, A LOT i'd be weary but I was feeling exceptionally well. Craziest moment for was i was sitting back looking off into space where suddenly i was looking back at my self, it felt and appeared as if i were looking at myself from slightly above but shortly scared myself straight but it was an incredible high moment, it was a beautiful high. At the end of the night we loaded our last few bowls and rolled up a joint it felt like a stand off of who would crack first, I looked over at my buddy and no joke he looked so much like one of those people from those weed commercials back in the day where the person would deflate and be sitting flat out, it was insane. Oh yeah and we were hot boxing a shed in my back yard good size enough so that we could all fit comfortably. Afterwards we all went out and the smoke was flowing out for about 15 or so minutes. After the smoked cleared we said our goodbyes and twas an unforgettable night! (contrary to popular belief).
the grape ape I just had was so good it became my new number one indica.
best strain of the purple type of marijuana ! Alot of grape fruit loop type flavor mixed with a skunky clean aroma very potent smelling and sticky/dense. makes you very relaxed and completely gets rid of anxiety or insomnia and makes you really tired on the come down more than the high. great for sleeping or relaxing. hands down my personal favorite strain of all time! goes great in a blueberry blunt wrap or in a glass pipe or bong!
If you're going to get someone to smoke for their first time in a while, or ever, this might be the stuff to use. This batch is entirely purple with orange hairs and the occasional green spliced in throughout. Hard to describe the smell - unlike any other strain i've smelled. Smells like juicy fruit gum. The smoke is smooth and hashy, and the effect is a nice body stone evened out with an uplifted head high. Looks more fierce than the punch it delivers. Time as a concept is totally gone once high on this stuff.. hours go by like minutes (and weirdly, vice versa). The high doesn't last too long, which helps avoid couch lock, but finishes munchy as hell..
The high... When the high first hits you it's as if literally a purple ape is doing yoga in your brain. Mid high it's as if the ape clones it's bliss and your brain will begin to melt out your years.
The taste... Taste good.