Grape Ape reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Grape Ape.
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Grape ape whether in vape or bud is a pain knockout champion. A little adjustment here and there and all those tight joints and aching muscles just find there way. Can't wait for bed tonight usually I toss and turn and em up and down but I can already feel tonight will be very restful.
I happened upon grape ape during a month long panic attack that was relentless. The only anxiety relief and the only time I could eat more than half a cracker was when I smoked the grape ape. After three hits I could feel a wave wash over me. When you are in a dark anxiety/ depression induced place and get any form of instant relief, it's a god send. Better than Xanax. Perfect anxiety drug.
One of the strains that is all around great for what you need! The dense buds created by the growers made for an ultimate session with results!
Grape Ape is the best bud for pain relief that I have had. If you want the Grape Ape version for stress relief search for God's Gift. Grape Ape is extremely euphoric and much more euphoric than diesel variants! I know when the high is coming since my touch dulls instead of my thinking. If you are not a sativa lover, this might be your favorite bud. Whoever says this bud is bad probably scored bud with a different name and didn't know.
This shit makes me sleepy as fuck. And once i pass out and nap, i wake up still high af 😂
Its definitely a heavy strain in terms of the high, a little goes a long way with this. Perfect for those who are having trouble falling asleep. If you have shit to do, i wouldn't recommend smoking this before you do it cause you will be up maybe 2 hours max after smoking, then you're definitely headed to bed whether you want it or not hahaha
For the first time, i can't wait to get done with this batch cause shit man, i haven't done much this past week lol
Grape Ape will make you zzzzzz. I have a hard time sleeping, which makes this strain a blessing. Plus, it makes everything so... I don't know, pleasant... that I actually look forward to falling asleep. Also highly recommended for Netflix marathons.
Another good sleep smoke. I like to hit this oil right before watching Dateline. When Keith Morrison is explaining to me how a young vibrant woman, someone liked by everybody, could just...disappear, I'm zoned in on every word. Body melts into the couch and by the time I realize the husband did it (spoiler's always the husband) I'm ready for a solid nights sleep. Thanks Grape Ape...and Keith Morrison.
This is some powerful medicine. It has a strong grape scent, and a pretty decent grape taste too. When you break up the buds, the flakes look dark purple. Not just purple undertones, literally full on purple. Also, only a few hits out of a bowl gets you high for hours. It's some legit bud all around. The only downside of this bud is that almost too strong. It's not the kind of bud you want to be smoking if you are doing an activity that requires focus or precision. Prepare to be a little bit scatterbrained for a few hours.