Critical Mass reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Critical Mass.
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A real nice Indica the feeling hit me quite slowly but effectively like a guy continually giving u a sneaky poke now and again until u collapse into a chair. Tend to sit and ponder theorys for the majority of the duration.
*High CBD Strain Review*
Critical mass delivers a solid medical effect to both the body and mind. I was surprised by balanced nature of this medicine, as I was expecting an effect centered in the body. Pain relief is excellent, and the sedative effect is moderate and builds with each dose.
Very similar to the High CBD Afghan Skunk, but with more effect in head and less sedating.
love this strain. the low thc kind if threw me, but after a few puffs, no pain and in medical heaven. great strain and id get more if this again.
I'm surprised to see this with a 4.2 rating - it certainly deserves higher. Critical Mass is a simple hybrid of two immemorial classics: Skunk #1 and Afghani, one a blend of two landraces and the other a true landrace, respectively. CM has an earthy yet colorful and citrus-infused aroma and smokes very smoothly. To me, it feels like a balanced hybrid and lacks the debilitating impact of a true deep indica, but it shouldn't be knocked for that. Its aroma is akin to that of Blue Dream, and, in my opinion, affords the user a better cerebral high in conjunction with its body buzz.
July 4, 2017
helped with pain, relaxing. a good bed time smoke. helps with pain, anxiety, sleep deprivation, hunger and boredom. doesn't make me paranoid
Very intense body high, kept me lifted for a solid amount of time. Sweet and pungent taste. DAT ISH LOUD, reminds me of living on the prarie. much simpler times. in the land of smoking a bowl and then walking a mile to the nearest water hole to get a drink to cure the cotton mouth. jesus, I am tripping balls.
Medicinal Mary at its finest. I feel this is a perfect example of using cannabis as a medication. Im not a fan of the earthy taste but it smokes very smooth. I feel like any thc affects and offset with cbd in this strain. I just felt a calm come over me without any head fog. I could clearly think and speak on this strain. Almost as if i just took some Ibuprofen. I feel it's a great daytime strain. It doesn't help me fall asleep or give me energy kick.
I have PTSD, 24/7 neuropathy nerve pain from diabetes, pancreatitis pain, cirrhosis of the liver stage 4, arthritis and back pain. I had been reading a lot about the different strains for my pain. I usually only get 2-3 hours sleep due to my PTSD. I have also learned that this strain also helps you get off any hard drugs. I can say this! I when I was a teenager would say God made weed and man made alcohol, synthetic drugs that only kill You! Who do you trust? In God I trust! This strain when I first smoked a part of a joint. My pain, depression, and I was able to sleep for 9 hours. I am going use this awesome strain. I found at Nectar Gresham, Oregon 17.16% C.B.D. / 10.66% TCH rating which in my opinion is the perfect balance for pain relief and helped my PTSD. I recommend this if you are looking for a good flower. Critical Mass.