Critical Mass reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Critical Mass.
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So high off this, smoked about 3 or 4 grams and my eyes were the most amazing kind of red. #420sweepstakes
This strain was OK. I am a huge indica fan and CM just did not live up to my expectations. It has a really high CBD, so you aren't going to feel as 'high'. I was hoping for some ease of pain or some deep relaxation. I felt hungry. That's pretty much it. Not a bad strain. Not a good strain. Would recommend to someone new to flower use and is exploring different strains.
Great strain with a strong head high and subtle body high aswell. Makes me feel real relaxed, happy, and sleepy; great for night time. A very popular strain and one to look out for in the future.
As someone who has suffered from insomnia for the past 9 years, I did not think I would ever be able to find anything to help me sleep a good thorough night. Well....... I've been smoking critical mass high in CBD for three nights and for the first time in 7 months now, I haven't taken one single sleeping aid and have had the BEST sleep I could recall and waking up full of energy!
I smoke an hour or two before I plan on going to bed, hits pretty quickly with a good body relaxation but a nice touch of head high that keeps you happy and talkative if you are around friends.
After about an hour when I'm just alone in my room, I'm just happy and relaxed ( on my computer, petting my dog, watching alice in wonderland) And once the lights go out and I'm in bed, it won't take longer than 5 or 10 minutes for me to be totally out!
No munchies, some dry mouth but quite fixable with water. Great weed. 5/5