Critical Mass reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Critical Mass.
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February 24, 2016
April 18, 2016
I've been a smoker for 35+ years and this is one strain i really like. not the prettiest or best tasting but it is a great full body high with heavy dense buds
Muy buena maria he provado distintos cultivos de esta variedad y todas eran excelentes. Buen savor, pronunciado colocon y efectos muy narcoticos perfecto para antes de irse a dormir.
Very good maria different cultures have proven this variety and all were excellent. Good savor, and perfect pronounced colocon very narcotic effects before bedtime.
June 17, 2016
Very pungent. Beautiful and helpful with pain. Great strain.
July 3, 2016
Had this on many occasions. and is always a top smoke.
Great from getting high as shit and listening to music/video games. Great for anything!
Wouldn't recommend for amateurs, prepare for lift off..
July 1, 2016
average to above average weed good for pain in knee and back. sweet earthy taste with pungent smell
August 9, 2016
considering the cbd content I thought it would be more gentle but this knocked me on my ass. kills
not a favourite of mine. earthy and a slight spice taste leaves a taste in my mouth that I don't like. medically this is a great strain for pain and stress but for recreation it becomes boring. Nothing other than the yield jumps out at me.