Critical Mass reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Critical Mass.
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Beautiful sweet candy taste. Great for pain management and nausea
So relaxing. With a wee bit of "look at how beautiful those flowers are." Lasts like 2 or 3 hours.
My facial expressions felt really exaggerated.
No anxiety at all.
August 24, 2015
This strain makes my entire body numb and fucks with my senses. it's almost as if your body is dead but your brain is still alive 😧
This is a fantastic strain for pain relief and to facilitate sleep. It provides a strong body buzz that melts the pain away. About an hour after vaping, it has me heading for bed...zzzz. I have used both the high CDB and lower CBD phenotypes, with fairly high levels of THC, and they both work wonders!! Highly recommend for pain, inflammation and insomnia!
Overall I enjoyed it. I smoked one joint of it and it was fairly smooth. beware of how hard and frequently you're puffing because this buzz sneaks up on you. I didn't notice any effects at all until I stood and walked. makes you feel heavier from the chest to the stomach. this pressure sensation soon turns to the munchies. it does give you a slight head buzz too which surprises you at first. but once you realize theres no logical reason for you to be freaking out you will calm right down to a pleasant happy high. not recommended for people suffering from severe anxiety. will likely induce a panic attack. mild anxiety is subdued by the strain it seems though. also if you were feeling horny at all the day you decided to smoke this, prepare to not sleep before you have relieved yourself. other than that, decent experience and will blaze again.
February 5, 2017
A good, solid everyday strain for sure. Mine was listed at 11.9% THC 11.3% CBD. Nice full body high. Like a Xanax feel to it. Similar to MediHaze in many ways. Definitely good for physical pain relief and stress reduction. No paranoia or anxiety from it. I did 1/2 a joint and 45 minutes later could still feel it. .i approve
February 11, 2017
Great gosh dang indica with varying levels of cbd depending where chew gets it from. With cbd or not it's a great strain. With cbd it's even better! Great choice for when your indecisive as to what you wanna smoke cause it kinda gives a lil bit of everything
35 y/o male O-neg blood, "white" Portuguese/European and Native American descent, no major health issues, currently recovering from a minor knee injury. 16 hours of fasting with a small cup of black coffee.
Vaporized ground flower using a Plenty vaporizer.
THC: 14.02% CBD: 15.79%
I have to smoke more than I usually do to feel the effects. Not a lot, just a few more lungfuls and I grind up slightly more than normal.
I've medicated enough to give this a legit review based on my consistent, personal experiences.
Ability to focus with a cerebral buzz, which could be from the coffee, or being enhanced by the coffee. Relaxed feeling in body, good for meditation. If my knee wasn't messed up, I'd want to be outside right now.
Eating changes the body effects similar to a muscle relaxer along with laughing at nearly everything because I felt so relaxed in my body, I couldn't feel my knee at all.