Critical Mass reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Critical Mass.
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Great muscle relaxation it was very strong. Mild head buzz. Heavy behind eyes. If you are new to smoking or anything beware... Hits very hard. Love the Critical Mass Open vape cartridges!
I really wanted to like this strain, but it just doesn't hit has hard as I would like. Great for relaxing, though. I would consider purchasing again if the price is right ($10/g tops).
By far the most effective for stopping my muscle spasms. And I love I don't feel medicated. I will grow this to make sure its in inventory for my mrdicine cabinet
asked for something to help with the pain, this one not only did that but also clams my P. T. S. D. to where I was able to sit for a holl 30 min.
It helped my roommate's anxiety and her cramps, and she didn't get the overwhelming head change she usually gets when she's smoking.
March 27, 2016
not bad
just beautiful. didn't cough, this was great
I am a low tolerance consumer and this was a great strain for me to try to get back in the saddle. For me, a few hits was enough to start but it didn't get me blasted like some strains have. Once I was riding that ride, I had a very positive mindset about things which was awesome bc I suffer from anxiety and sometimes cannabis can really exasperate it. Nothing too crazy to write home about but I will try it again for sure.