Acapulco Gold reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Acapulco Gold.
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April 5, 2018
I think the fact hat this is a portent landrace that's been around a while more than me, born in 81 says it all. I wish I had the real Mexican stuff. But the flower. That I've gotten here has been wonderful. Actually golden in color. It really does have a toffee like flavor. Lemon is usually my favorite but this is absolutely yummy. The effect is possibly the best. Relaxing yet stimulating at the same time. It's a wonderful mood booster. All time great strain. If that's not obvious
This strain is incredible, if you like sticky this one is for you. it gives me absolute euphoria, and I feel a lot happier
Acapulco Gold is like a punch with silk gloves XD
This strain has an high level of THC which make you feel very very Happy. Acapulco has an intense sweet aroma but it doesn't harsh your throat. Really reccomended for lack of appetite.
The only way I can describe the high of this is uplifting with no ceiling, you can get higher and higher the more you smoke. Didn't do much medically for me however I can see why this strain could be very popular among recreational users
This is an intensely spiritual strain. If chakras and energy fields are your thing this bud is seriously mind opening. Very sensory enhancing too, great for listening to music or enjoying nature. I find I get the munchies mostly on the come down.
Very fruity taste and smell if dried and cured correctly...(my smoke was not organic but flushed properly)...almost blueberryish..although it started out more pine and citrus. High is very good if your in the right "headspace" but can bring on some fierce paranoia and anxiety if I over did it...Smoked as a spliff it tasted exceptional...bring on the water and gum, cotton mouth like a mo fo! Typical sativa high in many ways...maybe too much for everyday frolicings, but good hit of a bowl will take you places if you let it. Bud is firm and full of small visible trychomes. Harvest time will determine the color of the hairs, these buds are light oarnge and the resin glands are a mostly cloudy with some clear and some amber. Great bag appeal with dank smellz and sticky nugz. Potent.
This, folks, is the real deal. I've been searching for something close to the Colombian Gold from the mid 70's on the east coast. While this AG from GensysONE in WA isn't identical, it's by far the closest I've found (so far)! Nice gold flavor, with a hint of that good-old expansion. The high is cerebral and clean, long lasting with a mellow exit. Start easy, though, as it creeps up you! Get some while you can ... who knows when it'll be gone and you don't want to miss it!