Urkle Train Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Urkle Train Haze.
Urkle Train Haze reviews
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May 10, 2016
I've tried every strain at AZ NAT. Selections, and this one is by far my favorite. Heavy hitter; do be careful. Tastes amazing btw
It's a little schizophrenic...super strong cerebral high up front with a dizzy head... then it settles into someting heavy around the top of your head and drips like melted lead down over your shoulders. You're still a little head stoned, but then it work its ways down to your toes and then you get really really heavy. Good stuff. Maybe not for everyone, but it's definitely for me.
This is a great strain for daily use. A perfect blend of upbeat foggyness, creativity and motivation. It also cures what ales me. I can't wait to try this in a concentrated form.
May 11, 2016
very well balanced high left me feeling really relaxed and focused if that makes sense good flavor I think I prefer just the purple urkel over urkel train haze
As someone who consumes mainly for medical reasons, this strain does exactly what I need it to do and I'm very impressed. I'm female, in my late 40s and struggle with symptoms of fibromyalgia and PTSD including pain, nausea, fatigue, IBS, insomnia, restless legs and multiple others. This strain will nearly eliminate my symptoms as well as not knocking me on my butt for the rest of the day. Also helps me sleep through the night, which is another plus. This Urkle Train Haze also knocks the depression and anxiety, which nearly always accompany this disorder, right on their butts: I feel very positive when using this strain, knowing that there is a lot of pain in the world and in my body, but also enabling me to distance myself from it. This is a chronic condition, and for me a regular program of cannabis, paced diaphramatic breathing, stretching, yoga/tai chi/qigong, creation and enjoyment of art, and moderate aerobic exercise is the best way to manage. This strain when used in conjuction with this program works wonders and I highly recommend. The high is nice but I would say not intense, and does not seem to last as long as some other strains I'm used to (I don't consider this a problem.) I use a Pax 2 vaporizer with this strain with the heat level set on a 3 for best results.
AZNS hit one out of the ballpark with this one. So glad it's got it's own tile now. Great job guys! Highly recommend 🍁
June 24, 2016
Finally my pics uploaded! They're the high resolution big nug shots, superhero's and hand without ring. Love this strain. I thought it was my best kept secret but the people are finding out that this is the perfect hybrid.
Completely love it! Currently my favorite strain (6.2.16). You want to get outside with this one... road my bike around the city this morning at 4am; 14 miles... was a lot of fun.