Superstar reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Superstar.
Superstar reviews
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An almost dizzy feeling at the beginning, which turned into a warm relaxed body high and it also made me more talkative.
May 12, 2016
My favorite strain that keeps me motivated about each and every day I'm able to some this good weed.
I loved it! Great strain that's rarely around.
Never heard about this one before smoking it. Probably won't talk much about it afterwards (so maybe that's why people don't seem to know much about this strain). Relaxed mental high, energetic.
This is easily top 3 strains I've ever smoked. Especially when I started smoking it and it was still fresh, the body high was literally pure pleasure. I didn't need anything, I just sat there and was completely happy with everything. It is a hybrid though, so the sativa-heavy half fucked with my brain just like most sativas. Lots of weird out-of-pocket theories and "realizations" that are later pretty stupid and sometimes regrettable. But it was all completely worth it.
I really liked this strain for relaxing and reading a book. The flavour isn't that prominent, however there were no negatives off a couple of hits from the vape. Definitely more sativa dominant.
December 3, 2015
awesome strain
I loved it, too! A very good antidepressiva , vor me .
And i like this nice smoth citrus Touch , it harmonized perfekt with a Cup of Black Tee