Romulan reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Romulan.
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Looking for an intense total-body pain relief experience, then Romulan is what you're looking for. If you're looking to contemplate Surak's logical principles, then keep moving. This is not a heady or cerebral high, this is some Mike Tyson dome shot, make you take a seat and drool on yourself dank🤤. 🌲🌲🌲🌲Romulan definitely has an extra potent scent and taste especially when administered through a vaporizer. I've seen this gem in many differing forms, but my favorite is when it's dark green with dark orange pistils, and loosely packed. The smoke is unbelievable and ash is white and fluffy af. Great smoke for reducing body pain, and getting some shut eye.
This cultivar is not just Romulan, infact outside of its bud structure and slightly fruity Romulan signature, Its all about that Fire Alien Kush.
The Famed "Romulan Joe" Romulan Clone only crossed to Fire Alien Kush.With a subtle sweet lemon hash flavor, some cuts of this cultivar has a loud irresistible fruity kush Romulan-esk nasal jab. This particular club's F.A.R. Tested at a strong 25.16% THC !
This new club is quickly becoming my favorite place for wonderful headstash quality Herbs. Long live Puddletown Organics!!
A great strain for either right before bed, or during the day. I like to mix it with girl scout cookie for duing the day, so I'm not totally couchlocked, lol. wonderful body high that fades into a head high towards the end.
I have never had better pain control than this strain, including opioids, in the five years I've dealt with endometriosis. It felt like my abdomen finally unclenched and was receiving a massage from the inside. I've used it every night for a week and had zero pain all week, and I've NEVER gone that long without pain. The pain control extends into the following day which is so hard to find. Left a very clear head with no paranoia, and helped with sleep without being sedative or causing couch-lock. Makes me loosen up, chatty and creative. Might actually be able to wean off the narcotics! Highly recommend.
All I can say is WOW. Since I started to include cannabis in my lifestyle in the last couple years I've been doing alot of research on the variety of strains in both the book and practical sense 😉
I was looking for a new hybrid strain that was balanced if not tipping on the indica side, wouldn't make my hunger go into overdrive or have after affects of paranoia or anxiety.
The helpful gentlemen at the dispensary knew almost exactly what I was looking for.
Even though Roman is an indica I highly agree with the notion that a sativa has definitely found its way into this strain. Just so happens I partook of half the Romulan pre-roll I also bought and by the time I walked home I was so relaxed and happy but energized, I cleaned the apartment and sani toweled every light fixture and door nob or handle there was!! Recommend? 100%
April 30, 2015
by far my favorite strain, perfect for when you need sleep.
September 24, 2015
Super strong strain. The first couple of times I smoked this, I was wrecked, but in a good way. It provides a full on body stone that would be perfect for before bed, or an evening smoke when your only plans are to lay on the couch and binge watch Narcos on Netflix until 1am - if you can stay awake that long.
Definitely wouldn't want this as an every day smoke, but once and awhile, it provides a nice stone.
Medically speaking, I think anyone suffering from nerve damage, or muscle spasms would benefit from this strain.
For those prone to anxiety - I would suggest dipping a toe in the water when it comes to this strain. Take a few drags, wait 10 minutes, and see where you're at. Doesn't take long to come on, and the effects can be alarming, especially to new smokers. Having said that, this strain would be great for stress and anxiety in regular smokers.
December 19, 2015
I went to TJ's and was all stressed and really bitchy from my PTSD and pain level ,and had been for a couple days .then I got an 1/8 of this stuff. Anyways , I'm home and smoke a couple bowls . Now my mood is way chill and I'm not sooo mellow. If I could stay this mellow all the time. but this is the real world lol...