Lemon Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Lemon Haze.
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My fav strain! it makes the high from other strains feel murky and messy. What I mean is the high from lemon haze is clean and directional, almost purposeful - it is straight up uplifting and relaxing - doesn't make me think too much (others usually do), it feels uncomplicated and jolly.
I felt more connected with my loved ones, with a new found urge to make them happy as well. I think it made me a better person in a sense that it inspired me to care for others and think from their perspective more... is weird as that sounds lol
Is alright socially, too alert for solo use, but makes your mouth very dry, occasionally gives me nausea and headaches, and takes A LOT to get you high, like 4 bowls in and barely feeling it, I will not buy this strain again
I have a strain called "lemonade haze"...I think these two are the same.
Moving on.
This is a fantastic strain. Country time lemonade smell, and LOTS OF IT. SUPER DUPER ABSOLUTELY POOPER lemon smell. And it smells oh.so.good.
Like it literally fornicates with your nose, it has babies and multiplies its smell up your schnoz . Amazing flowery lemony woodsy smell!
The high is energetic, it's focused, it's fantastic! It's not incredibly racy though, it's a great sativa leaning hybrid. It's a mellow energy. Great get up and go..Does at times create a bit of anxiety, but nothing major.
The taste...Somewhat citrusy. Woodsy and sweet.
It taste just as good as it smells. Definitely a top shelf flavor and smell profile. It sticks on your tongue for minuets on end, and it taste lemony and woodsy. It's phenomenal.
Now this strain is a "mid-shelf" at my dispensary. But the amount of Tri's and orange hairs, and its wonderful looks, mixed with the flavor and smell profiles...Definitely top shelf strain, IMO and if grown right.
Get a gram and try it out...I bet you, almost guarantee, you'll be back for more!
I got an 8th at Purple lotus patient center, in San Jose,CA for 50 bucks. Not bad at all.
I really enjoyed this strain. The smell is reminiscent of lemons
HOLLY SHIT! Me and my friends were smoking in a little chill place in the woods near my house I took one rip out of my friends bong. And then about 10 minutes later. I had the most extreme paranoia i've ever had in my life! I hid in the fucking bushes for 20 minutes shaking with fear that the cops were chasing me and they were right outside of the bushes. I saw car lights and were convinced they were cop lights. I was straight up literally praying to god that i would never smoke again and to forgive me for my sins and i was so sorry, and how bad i didnt want to get aressted. It was the weirdest shit ever. After A while i decided to confront the "cops" and i slowly crept out of the bushes to face fate. NOTHING WAS THERE. IT was the most intense fit of paranoia and aniexty i'd ever had. It was like meth. I was tripping out. LMFAO. THIS SHIT IS NOT FOR BEGINERS (ME)
We call it FIFA weed. Makes you super focused, but also relaxed, every thing you need whilst high.
My go to daytime strain for uplifting effects with clarity and a welcome but not overpowering energy boost. Improved sense of wellbeing, decreased anxiety. I find excuses for not doing projects go right out the door as soon as it's lemony freshness washes over you like a drug...er .. Wait a second. Really though. Something about the biochemistry of this plant just suits me perfectly.
My go to bud throughout the day