Hindu Kush reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Hindu Kush.
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Dark orange hairs complement the purple-green flowers. Upon opening my bag, a sweet, woody sandalwood aroma caresses my nose. The smooth smoke is accompanied by a piney freshness. A very relaxing body high complements powerful pain relief wonderfully.
Hindu Kush is a heavy hitting, body buzz inducing strain that is usually best only to smoke before bed time. It seems like this is that true classic original Kush flavor. You really do not need to take much of this strain to feel the effects.
Very dense buds. Once fluffed is very easy to smoke. Smooth and tasty. Is perfect for forgetting stress and relaxing after a long day.
June 20, 2016
One of my favorites creamy spicy taste that makes me want to chill with my lady
Lovely strain, full body high while leaving you mentally intact. Really great for chilling and listening to music and just meditating
Today had tooth extraction. In lots of pain. Takes too long for Tylenol & Advil to wrk so filled up a "shatter" hoot in my Evolve Plus and BLAM pain gone in 1 hoot. And great on my IBS, anxiety, hunger and helps me relax I can sleep
Got this from a Coffeeshop in the Netherlands. Amazing high. Perfect Strain to smoke before bed. To chill, watch Movies, play Videogames. 5/5.
Easily in my top 5, this earthy, yet subtly sweet flower has the ability to make pain and time melt away into the abstract. Slow onset, but definitely a heavy hitter, yet a clear enough head to hold a conversation or just veg out and become the embodiment of relaxation.