Hindu Kush reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Hindu Kush.
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I've been growing the world of seeds "Pakistan valley"landrace from the Hindu Kush mountains for about 2 years and this is a perfect strain for beginners to grow as it is hardy the effects are deffenitly bed time smoke...very relaxing with couch lock ...look for the "fatima" pheno. I added pics too.
The most relaxing strain I have ever had. Crisp, clean refreshing high. Hardly any head high.
Best indica strain , that i have ever tried. being an ex heroin addict this is a very good strain to use to wean yourself off opiates and benzodiazepine medications which both have fatal withdrawl effects if been using at high doses over long periods of time. Recommended for those trying to get clean and dont want to deal with the "life controlling" methadone clinic.
This strain is one of my favs. I can be high strung and this strain can turn that around very fast, without knocking me on my butt. I am alert, but just very relaxed. Giggly at times and wanting to talk some, but also fine chilling alone. Great strain for me all around meds part of my on hand stock.
Everyone is different but Hindu for me has more of an uplifting, positive and tranquil feeling than anything else. Eases pain very well. If you have muscle or back pain and want to be productive and positive its perfect. it makes sense that this strain came from spiritual lands. Its blessed by the Gods.
This is an absolutely fantastic strain. It also is kind of a double use strain. Smoke a medium to large amount of it, and it's incredible for helping insomnia, but smoke a little bit, and it's one of the best strains for helping with depression and stress. I, like many others, often have days where I struggle to even get out of bed because of depression and anxiety, but one hit from my bong of some nice, BC grown Hindu Kush, and I was smiling genuinely in literally 30 seconds. It makes a new meaning to "Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit", which is one of those kind of cringy high school stoner quotes, but really makes sense for a select few strains. Hindu Kush will allow you to be happy and relaxed even when your brain would like to be anything but, and can help you get out of bed in the morning, and back into bed at night. Use it carefully during the day, because it's such a good tasting strain, it's very easy to oversmoke it and become couch locked very quickly.
Solid all around bud. It has the smell, it has nasty hairs, it has all the sleep making, food eating, pain relieving attributes that anyone would wish.
I just 20 minutes back had 5 hits of this wonderful flower in my bong. I at first thought i was dealing with a 'all tick no boom' bud.... But maybe into the 3rd hit i found out my mistake. (happy too, not cheep lol) I would recommend this to anyone who has serious pain. I try to find the strain that knock out my back pain the most, this one seems to be one of them.
With the history of this bud i have been looking for it for a long timeand am quite glad to have found it!
One of my favorite all around strains. Excellent for fibromyalga pain, migraines, arthritis, and insomnia. Woodsy, nearly incense-like smell and taste. Very mellow and relaxing.