Grapefruit reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Grapefruit.
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Breathtaking smell, heavenly and citrus-y it had me sniffing my grinder for a minute.
Very nice strong high, definitely sativa
Nice floral scent and not only took away my pain but,let me with a calm feeling.
December 15, 2017
when you first inhale the sour citrusy taste fills your mouth. exhaling shifts like a sour patch and taste sort of sweet creme !! i love this weed because it’s a very good sativa:!)
This is some top shelf sativa for sure, I was happy and really focused on things! Can't wait to try some more!
AMAZING. Really uplifting. And put me in a flirty mood :)
Been very busy! Thx for hanging in there :)
As a Sativa lover and a veteran user, I like the “clean” high of this particular strain. It takes the edge off any pain I have and it doesn’t burn me out right away, instead giving me the classic Sativa lift! I get physical and mental effects and for me that equals a decent strain for a nice uplifting session. This one would be great in a muffin or cookie and useful for days when people with arthritis want to get stuff done. My mobility / physical challenges are intimately connected to my mental health & this clean, motivating, uplifting strain helps both aspects. If you have depression this is a good strain I think. If you are prone to anxiety this might be a bit much depending on your supplier/quality.
*** And speaking of quality lol the cannabis I got from a local dispensary is excellent quality but I wish it was a bit more grape-fruity flavour :) I still find smoking the cheapest way for those of us who use a fair amount to consume daily- again I’d rather eat it but what do you do? If you use it to mitigate symptoms or disabilities then you do what you can. Even with ‘medical’ or compassionate pricing it can still be challenging to access what you need in the way you need it! Enough preaching hahaha
So, lastly, this strain I also like or almost love because it does not set my asthma off. Now again a quality issue- the last time I rated this strain I did NOT like it as much as this time and I swear that’s the difference in the grow/supply!! Some strains make me cough or wheeze so much but not this bad boy this time. Woot!
Happy high :)
• Yum! • This 💣T-92.43% sweet sativa Grapefruit oil is easy on the 👁 👁.. and nose and lungs and mind and body¡! It’s a tasty daytime treat, as she brings with her an energizing body + mind-buzz— but not speedily— & does not produce anxiety..💥 Enhances creativity, productivity, outlook & mindset, so I highly recommend to all! •👌🏻✌🏽•
incredible smell and flavor. beautiful buds with very relaxing qualities. excellent for pain and stress relief.