Exodus Cheese reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Exodus Cheese.
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I bought about 2.5 grams from The Hulp coffee shop in Amsterdam that cures it for about 9 months before selling. I vaped 0.5 gr and it slowly hit me. It kind of resembles the Kosher Kush high in the sense that you feel very uplifted. Excellent variety. Probably one of the best I had in A'dam. It may worth invest in some seeds and choose a mother for your perennial garden... I don't remember the taste texture but it was good. Definitely recommended
Exodus Cheese will always remind me of the UK when I was there quite a while ago now it was all anyone wanted to smoke and it was everywhere. It's an extremely stinky strain that when you smell it you'll instantly understand why it's called cheese. The buds are a dark green with small spots of bright green the hairs are almost a dark tan color and the buds are completely triched out. They are very chunky and when cured well can take on that awesome sticky Styrofoam feel. There's a couple different phenotypes but it's usually indica dominant and even when it's not you still get a very stoney narcotic like high that starts off uplifting but kinda slowly fades as the more relaxed feelings slowly creep in. I absolutely love the smell and flavor of this strain it's sweet and earthy cheesy skunky goodness. Growing not for beginners takes about 8 weeks up to maybe 800gr it's very branchy can grow tall might want to support branches during flowering. Anyway I really love this strain in Washington State Phat Panda has an amazing crop, smell, flavor and, looks are on point.
Very good. Take too much and you would be spinning out of control. Hectic.
May 3, 2016
Good high, happy but become tired within an hour or two
June 22, 2015
wasn't as cheesy as I had hoped compared to the bluecheese I have had...........didn't burn that well in a joint , really black ash. wouldn't buy it again I would give it a 2 out of 5.
July 10, 2015
one of my favs. great for strong
sedating Indica lovers
A cheese lovers dream, simply a fantastic cheese strain, great yeilders and fairly easy to grow. very rich deep cheese flavor with every hit, very very stinky. solider hitting high that lasts a good amount of time, it's my favorite Sunday rainy day strain, stock up on the snacks you will need them.
This strain is very fast acting, immediately relieved me of my nausea and nice floaty head change. Also an immediate quick picker upper, I feel ready to take on the night!