Diamond OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Diamond OG.
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A really good Indica. Smoke a bowl and get happy, or smoke a joint and take a nap. =)
June 12, 2015
Oh my fucking god this strain rapes almost all other strains
April 17, 2015
Very strong. Amazing body and head high. Gets me very chill and then sleepy afterwards. Definitely recommended before bed. I smoked this during the daytime and almost fell asleep in my patio chair trying to take a few more hits. Other than that, an awesome strain overall. would definitely
be in the Top 5 of indica.
delicious. great OG smell. nice trichomes. heady and good body. good for getting you up to dance even if you hate to dance. social and happy high.
Diamond OG provides me with great relief. This strain was exceptional helpful for my Crohn's Disease. This strain helped alleviate my PTSD, chronic nausea, intermittent and constant pain, as well as muscle spasms. If you do not have much tolerance, this strain will probably make you tired after a bowl or 2, but if you have chronic symptoms that other strains barely touch(help elevate)...this one is probably for you
March 1, 2015
good strain, very heavy with a good head high. I definitely recommend it for insomnia. smells a little different than a pure OG. a bit more sweet and piney rather straight pinesol funk. Very light green and frosty
March 4, 2015
Very relaxing strain, works great for muscle and joint pain.
great og smell. evryone that smokes it cants stop talking bout how good it tastes and how great they feel