Death Star reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Death Star.
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Ol' Familiar; always tasty forever frosty.
August 4, 2016
Love this weed, awesome high! It's a great mid day high.
December 13, 2016
I'll be honest. yes I tried this because of its name because I am a star wars addict but just like the movies death star does not disappoint! the first night I tried it I smoked a little to much it definitely has a delay to it but the high is amazing. I melted I to the chair turned on planet earth and felt I was right there with them. I have to say this is one of my favorites so far.
Death star is one super potent indica. It's has a powerful skunky fuel smell. The high is a creeper, but when it hits sit back and relax. This strain puts the user in a relaxed, euphoric state. Not recommended for someone with a busy day ahead of them.
oh, I love death star! Uber relaxed, and happy! Keeps my anxiety at bay! Also a good strain to help you rest!
very relaxing/calming!
This strain is a crazy aphrodisiac for me. I can almost feel it immediately but in 5 minutes I'm definitely gone. I'm super high strung and prone to anxiety attacks so when I find a stain that makes me feel this good I always try to keep it on hand.
Just like home, what a cross; grateful to the family who conceived it here, now it's everywhere. Built to Last.