Cinex reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Cinex.
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Smell: VERY earthy, almost spicy
Taste: definitely spicy, with a pungent background to it
Probability of munchies: medium
Effects: very euphoric and uplifting mentally, and very light and tingly on the body. This strain is a hit or miss with anxiety, I find it borders on the "too up-itty" feeling that can set off panic attacks in some, so tread carefully if your treating anxiety. In smaller doses though, this feeling is replace with a gitty feeling
For recreational users, this strain is great for going outdoors and staying active, has an uncanny ability of bringing out the colors of the world, and can be a very "freeing" high. Highly social, great for philosophical and deep-thought debates, and a night out dancing.
October 30, 2016
Cinex is my favorite for getting things done around the house, wake & bake, and whenever I need a pick-me-up if I'm feeling blue.
'Cinex' is by far the most potent, intense, and satisfying Cannabis cultivar I have ever used, no contest. I will henceforth ask for, request, and demand it. It's the best I've ever smoked. I have been smoking almost daily for over 20 years, and I've just recently come across 'Cinex.' I smoke sativas exclusively because the indicas, especially those of the quality available at market today, usually give me headaches. After reading reviews and stats about it, I have now purchased 'Cinex' on two separate occasions, and both times the product was beyond expectation. It is good medicine, but I find it extremely and maybe a bit overwhelmingly potent if I haven't smoked any marijuana for a day or two; three or four hits and I felt the effects right away; but, take note, it is a classic creeper because in a half hour I was totally immersed in a ++++ experience; this is a very spiritually awakening strain of marijuana for me, it is a true entheogen. But like my usual experiences, tolerance builds quickly and after a couple days of regular smoking (four to five hits about 4 times a day), the effects do taper, of course. And it works great for snorting up your butt. Most highly recommended.
Wow. I never, EVER thought I would have relief from ADHD. Seriously. This shit is amazing!
April 3, 2016
My 'Go-to'. Love the entire high from first smoke all the way through the entire ride. Just damned good smoke.
February 18, 2016
nice strain. these guys must sell tons of this stuff at that price and quality.
This is so good! smells good, tastes good, feels good. I smoked it and didn't feel much right away, but as I was walking inside it hit me. I cleaned my whole house and had fun with it. Such a good strain, especially if you want to get shit down and be productive