Cannatonic reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Cannatonic.
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Amazing, fast acting pain relieving chronic!!
good for anxiety and relaxing but not that effective if youre looking for a high for heavy smokers since there is a low thc content
July 4, 2015
I just crossed cannatonic with girl scout cookies ... CANNACOOKIES :) talk about a hell of a strain scoliosis. Pain was eliminated from my mother ill be letting some clones out in a few clubs in sac hope to hear some reviews. Soonn..
Great for high I liked it allot...had serious calming effect
Pretty Good! The taste is different, not bad, just different. Helped with back/neck/headache pain....Not too strong, just right for those not looking to be too high.
Perfect for what I was looking for. I use this one for mid day or on weekends when I'm in a lot of pain but still need to function.
Love it, wanna grow it, wish it were cheaper in my area. Great all day smoke.
August 22, 2016
Rather popular CBD strain and not one of my favorites. Small, sparse pop-corny nugs, lemony scent, decently frosted. If you're not into the THC psychoactive high then skip this CBD strain, regardless of its decent CBD/THC ratio, it still packs a rather heady high that might turn off most people looking for their medical CBD fix.