Cannatonic reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Cannatonic.
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This is a high-quality strain. Great medicinal value. Excellent tasting, Haze dominant. I smoked my sample and that is not the best way to utilize CBD in our bodies. No psychoactive effect you simply just feel fine. It's pretty cool. If you are a medical patient, check it out. Recreationally, this probably isn't what you are looking for but keep in mind rec users, CBD is a great alternative to Tylenol, aspirin, or acetaminophen for a variety of ailments so instead of going to the drug store, stop by your local shop and pick up some CBD oil or edibles!
This has got to be the most medicinal products out there. With a 28 to 1 ratio CBD to THC, cannatonic sets the bar for other CBD strains. Use alone or mixed with other strains to add THC, either way, cannatonic is awesome.
I've seen people who couldn't walk apply sublingually apply cannatonic CO2 and begin walking within five minutes. I know a girl who began taking cannatonic and after a month her doctor said she was ulcer free after a life long battle with stomach ulcers. I use it for anxiety and no longer need benzos to keep the edge off.
Cannatonic will be legendary (if you don't already consider it to be), in time, when Medicinal Marijuana's benefits are given a larger platform while putting pharmaceuticals into bankruptcy.
One of the only strains with high CBD that you can smoke without feeling "medicated". I love it, use it for MIGRANES or when you want pain relief without smoking a lot!
I come from a family of weed connoisseur , and advocates. Everyone around me has always smoked and I've seen the benefits firsthand. , personally I just can't fuck with weed- Or so I thought.
Every time I'd smoked in the past, I'd be that one person, stuck on stupid. One of my relatives introduced me to this strain yesterday . He, along with many others informed me it didn't " get them high" ( they prefer a high THC content) , so they wanted to see how I'd like it. I was skeptical at first , However , I AM A FAN. No paranoia , no munchies, no dazed and confused feeling. Literally was a great way to end a stressful workweek - took my headache away, and I was completely relaxed , but I wasn't feeling " trapped" in my mind as I had when I'd smoked other weeds before. Now I know - high CBD; low THC is where it's at for me. Does anyone know of any strains they think are comparable to this one , or better ?
Pain - if you have it, you need to use this. I vape it daily. It smells like a hairy man's asshole, but it works SOOOO good for pain relief. It smells awful, but if you can get passed it, you'll learn to love it. I suffer from chronic kidney stones, endometriosis, hypersensitive fibromyalsia, neurological pain disorder , herniated discs, torn disc, dislocated ribs, inflammation throughout my body, and asthma. Works for inflammation & every type of pain in the body . I get a little tingle in my brain, but I normally wind up pretty damn happy because I'm not in pain. Not sure if it's a forced feeling of happiness or if it's because I'm not in pain. Either way, this is my #1 for pain relief. I'm still fully alert & aware, never makes me sleepy or tired. Doesn't make me hungry or change the flavor of food.
I don't use a ton, so my review is based off of 4 puffs.
Cannatonic is a great high CBD strain... in fact, I have never seen anything like this. I purchased it two different times from SPARC in SF, which tests for THC/CBD and shows it on the package. The first batch said 16.8% CBD to 6.8% THC, the second batch was 16% CBD and only 1% THC! CBD blocks anxiety and paranoia along with some other effects caused by high THC, but is also great for muscle spasm and pain, to some extent. The best thing is you can mix it with another high THC variety and get the best of both worlds... this helps get the benefits of THC with less anxiety. This strain is also probably the best for medical cannabis beginners as CBD prevents any overly intense high.
I highly recommend this strain to anyone with a chronic illness. I have HCV, and this is the first strain in my four years of being a cannabis patient that has FULLY eased my symptoms. It has been a true godsend. Cannatonic allows me to carry on, and get through my day (with 0% anxiety). If you are looking for relief and have yet to find it through other varieties, this is definitely the one to try. It will not leave you unable to interact with people, like other varieties I've used; and you don't need to become inebriated to achieve relief from your symptoms.. although in the evening it doesn't hurt :) Cannatonic gives a spacey, euphoric, relaxing, and extremely pleasant (sometimes even sexually arousing) sensation when deeply indulged in. This is absolutely my go to strain. Congratulations Washington, Massachusetts, and Colorado voters! We have shown the world once again that we have a voice. Enjoy your new freedoms, and keep on fighting :) Om Namah Shivaya!
Interesting strain. Buddy recommended a 1:1 to me for clarity of mind during the daytime and I gotta say, he's quite right. Doesn't make you feel completely stoned, but definitely has positive effects. I've never been a fan of the frankenweed for daytime consumption, because I just can't function. This lets me smoke, get positive effects on mood an anxiety without just hitting me like a mack truck like some other strains. Can work, have a conversation, whatever. Earthy flavor. Great smoke, will be coming back for more.