Acapulco Gold reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Acapulco Gold.
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Daytime for sure, go get some
Vaped finely-ground in my MFLB. Cheesy pine aroma, delicious cedar taste. I realize it's kind of unfair to judge a strain against its legend, but I did and found it wanting. I expected Gordon Lightfoot, maybe Seals and Crofts, but this was more like Rupert Holmes. Decent though unremarkable high, for both mind and body. I'd give it three stars and leave it at that, but one quality of this strain earns it a bonus star--it keeps you functional no matter how much you partake of it. Take one hit or take a dozen; it doesn't seem to matter. It lifts you up to Wooderson for a little while and then eases you down to Pink for an hour or so. It never takes you to Slater, and that's what makes it great as an all-day variety. Makes spending a weekend working spreadsheet magic way more tolerable.
I reviewed Acapulco Gold a few weeks ago, I wanted to add on another great use for this strain.
Stats first lol
Grown by Mother Herbs Cultivation
7.64% THC 12.8% CBD
Recently I picked up a heavy Indica for sleeping I have used before. I quickly realized that it was not the same strain. It was entirely Sativa dominate. I got the usually anxiety head spinning feeling when I smoke straight Sativa. I had remembered hearing strains that have a higher CBD percentage can help when you are over stimulated. So I tried just a half a bowl of Acapulco Gold I had left over and sure enough it took most of the over stimulation down. For me, it did not snap me back to a sober state. What it did do is take the edge of the anxiety. I feel that is important to point out.
I will definitely keep some of this around.
I don't believe in bad strains. You just need to find what works for you.
This is for those of you who smoke quite a bit of sativa, or a lot of Mexican / Reggie. I had been taking a break from Dro, for quite a while, when I ran across this strain called Acapulco gold. It was strange, because it first I had no idea what it even was. Just that it got me super baked. And I'm a seasoned smoker. I told my guy does this stuff was really good for some reason, and then he told me this is Acapulco gold. This stuff came with a name and a high price tag as well. I bought another ounce. That was about a year ago, & I have not seen the strain since. The bus is super up a listing, and I felt very focused. I would highly recommend this train for anybody who likes to be on the go. I save the seeds, but have not produced anything yet. If you have a chance to pick this up, I would go for it.
June 15, 2017
Very nice herb. Felt like I was not the beach at sunset. So relaxed but not tired. Clear head. Nice smell which is very light. Taste is sweet and smooth.
Still a classic i cant stop talking about
I know people say diamonds are a girls best friend, but they don't know what they're talking about. Acapulco Gold is this girls best friend!
This strain is great for tapping into my creative, analytical and motivational senses. It surprised me with an unexpected pick up or boost to get things done. As an artist, times of stress..can bring down a heavy opaque wall for a mind dullness or a creative mental block. Some hybrid strains, for me are very unpredictable. I'll daydream...have great ideas...but stay too mellow...and it's all good...except too mellow at times prevents me from getting projects done and I end up less determined. Sorry for rambling. Bottom line...I wish Acapulco Gold was more available to me. Around my way it's hard to find. The local co-op tells me it comes in rarely and goes fast (bummer). The last time we had Acapulco was over the 2011 Halloween chance a friend from Hawaii was visiting and he was generously smoking us out. Thanks Jarah! I got all my props done.